From thinner to fuller eyebrows, the eyebrows trends have never remained constant. Threading is one of the ways to achieve the desired brow shape. Many people also opt for waxing instead of obtaining the top eyebrow threading service in Michigan. Threading is an ancient hair removal technique that uses 100% cotton thread to eliminate unwanted facial hair. Let’s discuss why you need to rely on threading instead of waxing.
1. No harsh chemicals: Store-bought and salon wax consists of harsh chemicals that are not good for your health. These ingredients encompass resins, carcinogenic parabens, artificial fragrances, and dangerous dyes. With threading, you don’t have to worry about any of these harmful components. The removal method utilizes nothing more than the pure cotton threads.
2. Good for sensitive skin: Harsh chemicals present in the wax can irritate one’s skin. Those with sensitive skin often struggle with hair removal due to chemical reactions and skin damage. Waxing, depilatory creams, and even tweezing can turn skin red, raw, and inflamed.
With threading, there is little contact with the skin so there is no sort of skin damage. It’s a better alternative to waxing especially for those on prescription acne medications as skin is thinner and more vulnerable to sensitivity in those areas.
3. Faster way: Another significant benefit of threading is it works faster than plucking or waxing. There is no need to pluck each hair or heat the wax and then apply it on unwanted hair.
Eyebrow threading is quick, less painful, and efficient. What else you want? It will also help you to get an ideal brow shape that flatters your facial attributes.